[Openmcl-devel] Unhandled exception 11
R. Matthew Emerson
rme at clozure.com
Tue Aug 26 07:38:24 PDT 2014
On Aug 26, 2014, at 10:12 AM, nitralime <nitralime at gmail.com> wrote:
> In a VirtualBox (version 4.3.14) running Archlinux 64bit I'm getting since a few days an unhandled exception 11:
> $ ccl
> Unhandled exception 11 at 0x30000009ae14, context->regs at #x7fff48e16298
> received signal 11; faulting address: 0x2ac
> address not mapped to object
> ? for help
> [31835] Clozure CL kernel debugger:v
> Lisp kernel svn revision: 15757
> Symbol *OPENMCL-VERSION* at #x300040075D9E
> value : "1.9-r15757 (~A)"
> [31835] Clozure CL kernel debugger: b
> current thread: tcr = 0x7f684afd6730, native thread ID = 0x7c5b, interrupts disabled
> (#x00007F682A503F00) #x000030000009A6BC : #<Function (:INTERNAL REVIVE-SHARED-LIBRARIES) #x000030000009A5DF> + 221
> (#x00007F682A503F38) #x0000300000097FA4 : #<Function %WALK-SHARED-LIBRARIES #x0000300000097EDF> + 197
> (#x00007F682A503F60) #x000030000009AA04 : #<Function REVIVE-SHARED-LIBRARIES #x000030000009A7FF> + 517
> (#x00007F682A503FA0) #x000030000009B694 : #<Function REFRESH-EXTERNAL-ENTRYPOINTS #x000030000009B57F> + 277
> (#x00007F682A503FB0) #x0000300000B5A0C4 : #<Function RESTORE-LISP-POINTERS #x0000300000B5A00F> + 181
This is probably http://trac.clozure.com/ccl/ticket/1208.
If you'll update your ccl (with "svn up") and then start ccl and do "(rebuild-ccl :full t)", that should get you going again.
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