[Openmcl-devel] problems with ccl on Android

Timothy Moore moore at bricoworks.com
Thu Oct 23 05:30:41 PDT 2014

I'm trying to run ccl on Android 4.4 on a Nexus 10. Using the binaries in
http://svn.clozure.com/publicsvn/openmcl/trunk/androidarm, rev16302, I see the following:

shell at manta:/data/data/com.spartacusrex.spartacuside/files/ccl $ ./aarmcl
WARNING: generic atexit() called from legacy shared library
Unhandled exception 11 at 0xf5afe0a0, context->regs at #xbec87628
Exception occurred while executing foreign code
received signal 11; faulting address: 0xf5afe0a0
address not mapped to object
? for help
[27174] Clozure CL kernel debugger: d
received signal 11; faulting address: 0xf5afe0a0
address not mapped to object
[27174] Clozure CL kernel debugger: b
current thread: tcr = 0x1a022a0, native thread ID = 0x6a26, interrupts disabled

(#xBEC878F0) #x500122C4 : #<Function %REVIVE-SYSTEM-LOCKS #x5400658e> + 312
(#xBEC87900) #x507997C0 : #<Function RESTORE-LISP-POINTERS #x5435f0ae> + 100
(#xBEC87910) #xB5ADCED8 : (subprimitive (null))
(#xBEC87940) #xB5ADCEC8 : (subprimitive (null))
(#xBEC87998) #xB5ADCF78 : (subprimitive start_lisp)
[27174] Clozure CL kernel debugger: t
Current Thread Context Record (tcr) = 0x1a022a0
Control (C) stack area:  low = 0xbeb25000, high = 0xbec87a28
Value (lisp) stack area: low = 0xb598b000, high = 0xb5ad7000
Exception stack pointer = 0xbec878f0
[27174] Clozure CL kernel debugger: m
Lisp memory areas:
                code                  low                 high
         dynamic (9)           0x545349d0           0x55540000
         dynamic (9)           0x545349d0           0x545349d0
         dynamic (9)           0x545349d0           0x545349d0
         dynamic (9)           0x54000000           0x545349d0
          static (8)            0x3fff000            0x4001000
  managed static (7)           0x52000000           0x52000000
        readonly (4)           0x50000000           0x52000000
          vstack (2)           0xb598b000           0xb5ad7000
          cstack (1)           0xbeb25000           0xbec87a28
[27174] Clozure CL kernel debugger: x
Unhandled exception 11 at 0xf5afe0a0, context->regs at #xbec87628
Exception occurred while executing foreign code
received signal 11; faulting address: 0xf5afe0a0
address not mapped to object
? for help
[27174] Clozure CL kernel debugger: k

I'm not particularly experienced with Android; I'm just trying to get up a window in which I can do some OpenGL. Let me know if I can poke around more to debug this.


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