[Openmcl-devel] error on linux, not on mac os x; error not written to log

Renzo Orsini orsini at unive.it
Wed Jun 17 07:23:23 PDT 2015

I have a relatively small hunchentoot web application that worked on mac os x yosemite and linux, and that now does not work on linux any more, maybe due to recent update to all quicklisp packages. The problem is that I cannot even start to debug, because only a criptic message is written on the terminal and then nothing more. Note that the application still works without any problem in mac os x (even after the update of the quicklisp packages: #:hunchentoot #:ht-simple-ajax #:cl-postgres #:simple-date #:html-template #:cl-who #:do-urlencode).

Could somebody please help me in at least finding more information?

Thank you very much

This is the terminal session:

hunchentoot at dblab:~$ ccl -n
Welcome to Clozure Common Lisp Version 1.10-r16196  (LinuxX8632)!

CCL is developed and maintained by Clozure Associates. For more information
about CCL visit http://ccl.clozure.com.  To enquire about Clozure's Common Lisp
consulting services e-mail info at clozure.com or visit http://www.clozure.com.

? (load "quicklisp/setup.lisp")
? (ql:quickload "agid1")
To load "agid1":
  Load 1 ASDF system:
; Loading "agid1"
? (in-package :agid1)
#<Package "AGID1">
? (start-web-server)
#<EASY-ACCEPTOR (host *, port 9090)>

;;;; at this point I request any page of the application from the browser and this is the message that appear on the terminal:

? error Invalid program: Can't bind or assign to constant SECOND. while writing to error log, error not logged
error Invalid program: Can't bind or assign to constant SECOND. while writing to error log, error not logged
error Invalid program: Can't bind or assign to constant SECOND. while writing to error log, error not logged

;;; nothing more is written, so I tried to write :?

The following toplevel commands are available:
 :?     help
 :PWD   Print the pathame of the current directory
 (:CD DIR)  Change to directory DIR (e.g., #p"ccl:" or "/some/dir")
 (:PROC &OPTIONAL P)  Show information about specified process <p>/all processes
 (:KILL P)  Kill process whose name or ID matches <p>
 (:Y &OPTIONAL P)  Yield control of terminal-input to process
whose name or ID matches <p>, or to any process if <p> is null
Any other form is evaluated and its results are printed out.
? (:proc)
2 :    hunchentoot-listener-*:9090  [Active] 
1 : -> listener          [Active] 
0 :    Initial           [Sleep] 

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