[Openmcl-devel] keyword color

Joakim Sandgren info at joakimsandgren.com
Sat Aug 26 07:16:12 PDT 2017

hello all,
I’m in the version 1.12-dev-r16812M-trunk  (DarwinX8664)
and are using the colde colors hemlock::*lisp-code-colors*.

I always put this in ccl-ide-init.lisp:

(setf hemlock::*lisp-code-colors* 
      '((:string (.4 .4 .4 1))
        (:comment :brown)
        (:double-comment (.9 .4 .1)) ;;:orange
        (:triple-comment :red)
        (:system-symbol (0 .5 0 1))
        (:definition (0 0 .7 1) ) ;1 0 1 1
        (:keyword  :purple)
        (:unmatched-paren :red)
        (:matched-paren (:background (0.3 0.875 0.8125 1)))))

and if I change here, the colors changes. so this works.
but not the keyword color.

if I comment out this I have the default colors, but still not the keyword color…

why? can somebody help me ?


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