[Openmcl-devel] how to study kernel sources

73budden . budden73 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 17 12:01:07 PST 2018

Thanks all very much for your answers. I'm using Debian.

Meanwhile I succeeded in setting up Eclipse CDT and even was able to
step some code with GDB.
Search for C code objects is not perfect (it find definitions from all
platforms) but generally it works.

Specificall, cons is named cons , lisp symbol is called lispsymbol.
Both seem to be defined in constants.h

2018-01-17 21:57 GMT+03:00, Devon Sean McCullough <OpenMCL at jovi.net>:
>> On Jan 17, 2018, at 9:55 AM, 73budden . <budden73 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> … trying to use grep …
> Try Emacs etags.  No clue how to set it up in MS-WinXX but in MacOSX/Un*x
> bash,
> cd ccl-1.11
> rm TAGS
> find * -type d -iname .svn -prune -o -type f -print0 | xargs -0 etags -a
> emacs —eval '(xref-find-definitions "main”)'
> then in Emacs, interactively type M-. to “point harder” at defined C or LISP
> symbols.
> 		Peace
> 			—Devon
> P.S. M-x grep is also useful, Emacs makes grep hits clickable as soon as
> they appear onscreen.
> P.P.S. Again, no clue about MS-WinXX command prompt but you might try
> etags * *\* *\*\* *\*\*\* *\*\*\*\*
> or perhaps etags **\* or similar if they support double star syntax for
> wild-inferiors,
> then run emacs and manually M-. or M-x grep and so on.

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