[Openmcl-devel] Clozure CL is healthy?

Ron Garret ron at flownet.com
Thu Aug 26 13:17:30 PDT 2021

An M1 port is in the works. but probably won’t be ready for several months.  The project is just now getting off the ground.

But your concern is not misplaced.  The CCL community is very small and not growing.  In particular, the number of people who are sufficiently familiar with how it works under the hood to be able to actually do something like the M1 port is very small, certainly less than 10, possibly less than 5.  If we were talking about wildlife they’d be listed as critically endangered.  So for the long run I’m much more worried about generational knowledge transfer than the M1 port.  That will buy some time, but one thing is pretty clear and that is that the Apple platform will forever be a moving target (and it’s not altogether clear to me that it will continue to be one worth shooting at).

One thing that I started working on a while back to try to address this problem is an introductory programming book based on CCL.  The beginnings of that project can be found here:


I abandoned it in part because I tried and failed to recruit someone to be a “beta tester” for the book as I wrote it to make sure that what I was writing would actually be comprehensible to the target audience, and to make sure that all the examples actually worked.  If someone is interested in stepping up to that plate I would consider picking that back up again.


On Aug 26, 2021, at 10:16 AM, Parksungmin <byulparan at gmail.com> wrote:

> CCL has just 7 commit in 2021 (last commit is 15 Jul). it also seems not start to port for Silicon M1.
> CCL is my favorite implementation. I'm afraid of the this status.
> When will it be possible to work with CCL in M1 Mac?
> Thank you.
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