[Openmcl-devel] Issue: improper insistence on fixnum type #171

Gilbert Baumann gilbert at bauhh.de
Mon Feb 13 10:06:02 PST 2023


I looked into before-mentioned issue on github. The smallest test case
exposing this bug that I could find is like the following:

    (DEFUN BUG ()
      (LET ((X 0))
        (LABELS ((FOO () (1+ X)))
          (SETQ X PI)
          (1+ X))))

I get

    => #<BOGUS object @ #x302001E0E255>

Which is bad. It goes away with (COMPILATION-SPEED 3). Remove the
LABELS and the bug disappears.

I nailed that down to the following change:

    diff --git a/compiler/nx0.lisp b/compiler/nx0.lisp
    index 110c6c41..15101941 100644
    --- a/compiler/nx0.lisp
    +++ b/compiler/nx0.lisp
    @@ -1599,7 +1599,7 @@ Or something. Right? ~s ~s" var varbits))
                (with-program-error-handler (lambda (c) (runtime-program-error-form c))
                  (parse-body (%cddr lambda-form) *nx-lexical-environment* t))
               (setf (afunc-acode p) (nx1-lambda (%cadr lambda-form) body decls)))))
    +    (rewrite-acode-form (afunc-acode p))
         (nx1-transitively-punt-bindings *nx-punted-vars*)
         (setf (afunc-blocks p) *nx-blocks*)
         (setf (afunc-tags p) *nx-tags*)

I suggest until we find the real issue with REWRITE-ACODE-FORM, we
disable it, if we can.


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