[Openmcl-devel] Dark interface

peter p2.edoc at gmail.com
Sun Jan 8 12:26:13 PST 2023

Using an OLED screen, to minimise burn-in, as far as viable I want to have
all displays as dark and using unsaturated colors.

I've been experimenting setting hemlock::*lisp-code-colors*

On Mac, as a start, setting [System Preferences][General][Dark]mode
and [Desktop & Screen Saver] background as black.

Then Clozure [Preferences][Appearance][Background] for Editor and Listener
to various shades of grey.

Has anyone worked out good dark settings so that
string, comment, double-comment, triple-comment, system-symbol, definition,
keyword, unmatched-paren, matched-paren
colors work well while being subdued (low brightness and saturation)?
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