[Openmcl-devel] CDR for Package-Local Nicknames [Feedback Request]

Tim McNerney mc at media.mit.edu
Sun Jul 7 07:28:51 PDT 2024

Apologies, I missed your mention of Franz, (as I rarely think of their “Allegro” brand). Also BTW, I noticed missing from your list of implementations is Genera, the still-used Symbolics Common Lisp. I am in close touch with its maintainer Gary Palter, who (I believe) also reads openMCL email. 


> On Jul 6, 2024, at 12:55, Alexander Fedorov <varedif.a.s at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear all,
> Over 10 years ago, SBCL implemented the Package-Local Nicknames (PLNs)
> extension. Since then, PLNs have also been adopted by multiple
> implementations (ABCL, CCL, ECL, Clasp, Allegro CL and LispWorks) and
> are now widely used in many projects.
> However, PLNs are still considered experimental, as stated in the SBCL
> manual, since there is no formal specification for them, and each
> implementation interprets various corner cases differently. While the
> need for a specification has been previously discussed, I was unable
> to find any publicly accessible draft for one.
> Therefore, I have drafted a specification intended to become a CDR
> document. I initially wrote this draft about a year ago and have
> recently revised it. You can find the latest version here:
> https://gleefre.github.io/cdr-package-local-nicknames/index.html.
> There are currently nine unresolved standardization issues, each with
> at least one proposed resolution. Input on those issues would be
> particularly helpful, but any feedback is welcome!
> P.S. I am sharing this link across multiple platforms to reach as many
> lispers as possible. This includes various mailing lists (Lisp Pro,
> CDR-discuss and -devel for various CL implementations); IRC channels
> (#commonlisp and implementation-specific ones); the Lisp Discord
> server; several Telegram groups; and a post on Reddit. If you have any
> suggestions for additional places to share the link, please let me
> know.
> My apologies to those receiving this message multiple times.
> Best regards,
> Alexander Fedorov.
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