[Openmcl-devel] Garbage collector - ccl:terminate (memory stuff)

Grégory Vanuxem g.vanuxem at gmail.com
Sat May 4 08:30:11 PDT 2024

Thanks, yes! I come in part from the Perl world, so I love the
TIMTOWTDI acronym ("there is more then one way to do it")

Le mer. 1 mai 2024 à 22:16, Tim Bradshaw <tfb at tfeb.org> a écrit :
> Another approach to this is to simply reuse symbols that already are interned elsewhere, particularly CL:
> (do-symbols (symbol "FRICAS-LISP")
>   (export (list symbol) "FRICAS-LISP"))
> This is legal, and readable.
> Obscure note: you need (export (list s) ...) because otherwise at some point you end up saying (export nil ...).
> --tim
> On 27 Apr 2024, at 13:37, Rainer Joswig <joswig at lisp.de> wrote:
> Am 27.04.2024 um 13:41 schrieb Grégory Vanuxem <g.vanuxem at gmail.com>:
> As a last note, there is a strange "routine" in the FRICAS-LISP
> package (BOOT, the interpreter and algebra libraries use it) that I do
> not really understand, wouldn't it be related? I can eventually "play"
> with this piece of code (some code parts are cutted below):
> (make-package "FRICAS-LISP"
>     :use (list (or (find-package "COMMON-LISP")
>                    "LISP")))
> Here is the piece of code I do not totally understand and if it has
> effect on CCL symbols that prevents me to define the ccl:terminate or
> ccl::terminate method on jlref object:
> ;;; We use uninterned symbols because at this point we do not
> ;;; want to add symbols to FRICAS-LISP
> (let ((#1=#:ls nil))
>    (do-symbols (#2=#:el "FRICAS-LISP") (setf #1# (cons #2# #1#)))
>    (mapcar (lambda (#3=#:x) (export (list #3#))) #1#)
> )
> The form above could be replaced by:
> (mapcar #'export (apropos-list "" "FRICAS-LISP"))
> It simply exports all symbols in the package "FRICAS-LISP" from the current package at that point, avoiding interning new symbols by the code itself.
> If one want to control from where to export, then we can use this:
> (mapcar #'(lambda (#1=#:fricas-lisp-symbol) (export #1# "FRICAS-LISP"))
>               (apropos-list "" "FRICAS-LISP"))

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