<br>I've encountered a small problem when using Clozure with Emacs/slime.<br><br>When I try (cl-glut-examples:gears) at the slime "inferior-lisp" repl, the example runs normally. When I try it in the normal repl buffer, it will work only if I did it in the "inferior-lisp" repl first. If not, the window doesn't appear, and the repl says nothing. I can't find any error messages or prompts in the other buffers. If at the "inferior-lisp" repl I run another example, such as (cl-glut-examples:rb-robot), suddenly both the robot and gears windows appear and run normally.<br>
<br>Interestingly, this problem doesn't occur with lispbuilder-sdl examples.<br><br>This is my .emacs (for Win32, its _emacs):<br><br>(setq inferior-lisp-program "C:/lispbox/ccl/wx86cl.exe") ; your Lisp system<br>
(add-to-list 'load-path "C:/lispbox/slime-2009-05-31") ; your SLIME directory<br>(require 'slime)<br>(slime-setup '(slime-scratch slime-editing-commands slime-repl slime-mrepl))<br><br>Greg<br><br>