Hi all,<br><br>I'm trying to use the latest CLSQL (with the MySQL backend) to retrieve rows from a database that is using UTF-8 for the VARCHAR columns.<br><br>I had hoped that specifying UTF-8 when opening the connection would be sufficient, e.g.<br>
<br>(clsql:connect '(nil "database" "user" "password") :database-type :mysql :encoding :utf-8)<br><br>would be sufficient, but any query that includes a UTF-8 column has the database coming back as ?s.<br>
<br>Has anyone had success doing this? I did try<br><br>(setf UFFI:*DEFAULT-FOREIGN-ENCODING* :utf-8)<br><br>before connecting or making the query, but that didn't help (and shouldn't be necessary regardless.)<br>
<br>Thanks in advance for any insight you may have.<br><br> -tree<br><br>P.S. CCL 1.7-dev-r14672M-trunk, 64-bit build. MySQL 5.1.49. I have Python code that can retrieve data from the same database without a problem, so I know it is possible to do. I'd rather stop using Python though.<br clear="all">
<br>-- <br>Tom Emerson<br><a href="mailto:tremerson@gmail.com">tremerson@gmail.com</a><br><a href="http://treerex.blogspot.com/">http://treerex.blogspot.com/</a><br><br>