[Openmcl-devel] BUG: incorrect array bounds checking in CALL-CHECK-REGS (ARM32)

Eric Marsden eric.marsden at free.fr
Tue Dec 20 01:33:32 PST 2011


? (lisp-implementation-version)
"Version 1.8-dev-r15146M-trunk  (LinuxARM32)"
? (funcall
 (lambda (a)
   (declare (optimize (safety 2)))
   (aref #3A(((1 2 #*1) (nil #*0 4462744560))
             ((1 20492.867 0) (-32 t 1)))
         2 0 a))
> Error: Array index 2 out of bounds for #<ARRAY 2x2x3, simple> .
> While executing: #<Anonymous Function #x5465281E>, in process listener(1).
> Type :POP to abort, :R for a list of available restarts.
> Type :? for other options.
1 > :b
*(405020B8) : 0 (FUNCALL #'#<Anonymous Function #x5465281E> 1) 128
 (405020C8) : 1 (FUNCALL #<Anonymous Function #x5465281E> 1) 84
 (405020F8) : 2 (CALL-CHECK-REGS FUNCALL #<Anonymous Function #x5465281E> 1) 112

Eric Marsden

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