[Openmcl-devel] Error Running Currency Converter

Gary Byers gb at clozure.com
Wed Jul 30 13:15:33 PDT 2008

And in case anyone's confused by that reply:

r10236 fixed a bug in the currency-converter example in 1.2 (a method
that was implicitly defined to return :id returned NIL.)  The same
bug's in the trunk, but the error that Chris is seeing seems to be
occurring during ObjC (re)initialization, long before we get to that

r10246 fixed a bug in the kernel code that caused the frame pointer
register to be restored incorrectly when PROCESS-INTERRUPT returned.
that often led to a segfault and general wackiness.

On Wed, 30 Jul 2008, Gary Byers wrote:

> I'd be surprised if it does, but it may fix at least large parts of
> the general trunk instability that I was admonishing about.  Just
> doing:
> (require "COCOA")
> was (for me) a reliable way to trigger the bug.  (The initial thread
> segfaulted when it returned from loading the Cocoa library via
> PROCESS-INTERRUPT, and trying to track down another problem when
> things were that flaky seemed pointless.)
> I'd also seen similar segfaults during QUIT, and I don't think that
> that's quite the same scenario (PROCESS-INTERRUPT is used in QUIT,
> but (IIRC) none of the functions invoked via PROCESS-INTERRUPT while
> quitting ever return, and I'm not sure if that's another symptom
> of the same problem.  (In QUIT, the thread that got the segfault
> was something other than the initial thread, and the initial thread
> got tired of waiting for it to die and terminates it with extreme
> prejudice.)
> On Wed, 30 Jul 2008, R. Matthew Emerson wrote:
>> On Jul 30, 2008, at 3:41 PM, mikel evins wrote:
>>> On Jul 30, 2008, at 12:26 PM, Chris Van Dusen wrote:
>>>> Mikel,
>>>> Running CurrencyConverter, I get this:
>>>> Error during early application initialization:
>>>> value #<A Dead Mac Pointer> is not of the expected type MACPTR.
>> Does http://trac.clozure.com/openmcl/changeset/10236 fix this problem?
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