[Openmcl-devel] directory, create-directory, ...

Chun Tian (binghe) binghe.lisp at gmail.com
Mon Oct 6 11:15:49 PDT 2008

Try this one:

(directory (make-pathname :name :wild :type :wild :defaults #p"/x/ 
y/") :directories t)

or just

(directory #p"/x/y/*.*" :directories t)

I think you'd better use CL-FAD package instead. I just learn above by  
reading CL-FAD's LIST-DIRECTORY function:

(defun list-directory (dirname)
   "Returns a fresh list of pathnames corresponding to the truenames of
all files within the directory named by the non-wild pathname
designator DIRNAME.  The pathnames of sub-directories are returned in
directory form - see PATHNAME-AS-DIRECTORY."
   (when (wild-pathname-p dirname)
     (error "Can only list concrete directory names."))
   (let ((dir (pathname-as-directory dirname)))
     (concatenate 'list
                  (directory (merge-pathnames (pathname "*/") dir))
                  (directory (merge-pathnames (pathname "*.*") dir))))
   (let ((wildcard (directory-wildcard dirname)))
     #+:abcl (system::list-directory dirname)
     #+(or :sbcl :cmu :scl :lispworks) (directory wildcard)
     #+(or :openmcl :digitool) (directory wildcard :directories t)
     #+:allegro (directory wildcard :directories-are-files nil)
     #+:clisp (nconc (directory wildcard :if-does-not-exist :keep)
                     (directory (clisp-subdirectories-wildcard  
     #+:cormanlisp (nconc (directory wildcard)
                          (cl::directory-subdirs dirname)))
  :lispworks :openmcl :allegro :clisp :cormanlisp :ecl :abcl :digitool)
   (error "LIST-DIRECTORY not implemented"))


> I sent this out, but I think I forgot to include the group...
> Anyway, yes, (directory "/x/y/*.lisp") for example does what you would
> expect.  Using only a wild card though doesn't get all files:  
> (directory
> "/x/y/*") => nil.  You can use (directory "/x/y/*.*") but that would  
> seem
> to indicate only files with a "." in their name.  It may be that  
> this is
> where the various keywords to directory come into play.  Are/where are
> these described?  Also, R.Stoye informed me that the MODE keyword for
> create-directory is for indicating the unix mode/permissions for the
> directory.  Again, where is this impl specific type stuff described  
> for
> CCL?  For example, I now know what MODE is for, but still don't know  
> how it
> is specified (ala' chmod or ???)
> Thanks!
> /Jon
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