[Openmcl-devel] inverse function

Ron Garret ron at flownet.com
Sat Feb 13 09:31:12 PST 2010

On Feb 13, 2010, at 4:20 AM, Taoufik Dachraoui wrote:

> Does someone know if there is any work done to generate an inverse of any given lisp function (if possible).

*Any* given function?  That would be quite the trick.  If you can figure out how to invert, say, AES-ENCRYPT do let us know. Or DELETE-FILE.  Inverting multiplication would be pretty cool too.  Here's a test case for you:

(funcall (invert #'*) 412023436986659543855531365332575948179811699844327982845455626433876445565248426198098870423161841879261420247188869492560931776375033421130982397485150944909106910269861031862704114880866970564902903653658867433731720813104105190864254793282601391257624033946373269391)


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