[Openmcl-devel] X11 and process-run-function test

Taoufik Dachraoui taoufik at mazeboard.com
Mon Jan 25 05:04:42 PST 2010


I am running a test using X11 and get an error when I run the test in lisp

(use-interface-dir :X11)

(open-shared-library "/usr/X11/lib/libX11.dylib")

(defvar *close-app* nil)

(defun x-test ()
  (setf *close-app* nil)
  (let* ((*display* (with-cstrs ((str ":0.0")) (#_XOpenDisplay str)))
 (*screen* (#_XDefaultScreen *display*))
 (*visual* (#_XDefaultVisual *display* *screen*))
 (*depth* (#_XDefaultDepth *display* *screen*))
 (*root* (#_XDefaultRootWindow *display*))
  (with-cstrs ((str "WM_DELETE_WINDOW"))
    (#_XInternAtom *display* str 1)))
 (*window* (rlet ((xsetattributes :<XS>et<W>indow<A>ttributes))
 (setf (pref xsetattributes :<XS>et<W>indow<A>ttributes.event_mask)
       (logior #$ExposureMask))
 (#_XCreateWindow *display* *root*
  0 0 300 300 0 *depth* 1 *visual* 2048 xsetattributes))))
    (rlet ((prot (:array :unsigned-long 1)))
  (setf (paref prot (:array :unsigned-long 1) 0) %wm-delete-window%)
  (#_XSetWMProtocols *display* *window* prot 1))
       (#_XMapWindow *display* *window*)
       (rlet ((xev :<XA>ny<E>vent))
     (do () (*close-app*)
       (#_XNextEvent *display* xev)
       (let ((type (pref xev :<XA>ny<E>vent.type))
     (window (pref xev :<XA>ny<E>vent.window)))
 (if (= type 33) (setf *close-app* t))
 (format t "event: type ~A window ~A~%~%" type window)
 (force-output t))))
       (#_XUnmapWindow *display* *window*)
       (#_XCloseDisplay *display*)))

? (x-test)
event: type 12 window 8388609

event: type 12 window 8388609

event: type 33 window 8388609


? (process-run-function (string (gensym "XLOOP-")) #'x-test)
#<PROCESS XLOOP-2357(2) [Active] #x90232D6>
? event: type 12 window 8388609

event: type 12 window 8388609

event: type 33 window 8388609

> Error: Fault during read of memory address #xDA
> While executing: (:INTERNAL CCL::THREAD-MAKE-STARTUP-FUNCTION), in process

;;; #<PROCESS Initial(0) [Active] #x8355D0E> requires access to Shared
Terminal Input
;;; Type (:y 0) to yield control to this thread.

Thank you for your help

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