[Openmcl-devel] just when you thought it was safe to go back in the CCL trunk

Gary Byers gb at clozure.com
Mon Sep 14 14:09:25 PDT 2015

Here is the threatened documementation.

On 09/13/2015 01:01 PM, Gary Byers wrote:
> Most of the changes affect x8664, and I've been able to build and 
> check in x8664 binaries for x8664 Linux,
> Darwin, FreeBSD. and Win64.  I need to do some more smoke-testing on 
> those platforms and document
> the changes, but that's relatively straightforward and should not take 
> much longer.
> It is relatively straightforward to use the 64-bit CCL to 
> cross-compile 32-bit X86 versions on Linux, Darwin,
> and FreeBSD.  I've done this, and 32-bit X86 binaries for these 
> platforms are in the trunk and seem basically
> stable but need more smoke-testing.
> Win32 and ARM are a different story.  It may take a while (days, not 
> weeks or months) to get these versions
> running in the trunk, and some of that time (in the Win32 case) may 
> involve setting up a less primitive development
> environment than I have now.  I plan to do that soon, but it is also 
> important to test and document the x8664 changes.
> I will try to do that next, and get back to the Win32 and ARM ports 
> later.
> So: the X8664 versions should be ready soon, non-Windows X8632 
> versions a little later, ARM and Win32 later still.
> changes
> On 09/11/2015 01:26 PM, Gary Byers wrote:
>> I'll be making some fairly extensive changes in the CCL trunk over 
>> the next few days.
>> These changes will likely be hard to bootstrap, so I'll be checking 
>> in new binaries, release notes,
>> etc.  Image versions and FASL versions will change.
>> I will send a message to this list when things are nominally stable.
>> In the meantime, please avoid using the CCL trunk.
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