[Openmcl-devel] AgentCubes 2.5 and MacOS Sierra not happy with each other

Paul Onions ponions37 at gmail.com
Thu Jan 19 14:05:27 PST 2017

On 19 Jan 2017, at 04:01, Alexander Repenning wrote:

> thank you Paul, this worked!
> There is still one confusion: when I do subclass ns-application  
> (e.g., below as my-application) where does one specify the  
> application class name? Is there something similar to GUI::*DELEGATE- 
> CLASS-NAME for application? At first I assumed that the application- 
> class of build-application served this purpose but I think this is a  
> CLOS not cocoa class.
> (defclass my-application (ns:ns-application)
>   ()
>   (:metaclass ns:+ns-object))

I found it was enough just to name it in the application's Info.plist  
file (in its Cocoa CamelCase form).  e.g. my application class is  
called HOPPI-APPLICATION and the relevant fragment of Info.plist is


Note that I use the CCL BUILD-APPLICATION form to construct the  
Hoppi.app folder, as in the following fragment

   (ccl::build-application :name "Hoppi"
                           :copy-ide-resources nil
                           :info-plist (ccl::make-info-dict :principal- 
class "HoppiApplication"

where the full form can be found in src/lisp/app-build.lisp in the  
Hoppi repository (http://bitbucket.org/cloudycat/hoppi).

All this was found by trial and error though, so this may not  
necessarily be the "correct" way of doing it.  But as they say, Works  
for me!


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