[Openmcl-devel] build clozure cl from git repo

Bruce O'Neel bruce.oneel at pckswarms.ch
Sun Apr 12 11:16:50 PDT 2020

The process can be slightly simplified I think...  
3. git clone [https://github.com/Clozure/ccl.git](https://github.com/Clozure/ccl.git)  

4.  curl -L -O [https://github.com/Clozure/ccl/releases/download/v1.12-dev.5/darwinx86.tar.gz](https://github.com/Clozure/ccl/releases/download/v1.12-dev.5/darwinx86.tar.gz)  

5.  cd ccl  

6.  tar xjf ../darwinx86.tar.gz   

7. (optional) since Catalina does not run 32 bit binaries clean up - rm -rf darwin-x86-headers dx86cl.image dx86cl  

8. Ideally  (ccl:rebuild-ccl :full t) would just work, but, there is some problem left with subprocess output back to lisp that causes a false failure, so.....  

9.  (cd lisp-kernel/darwinx8664; make clean; make)  

10. ./dx86cl64   

11. (ccl:rebuild-ccl :clean t)  


15. ./dx86cl64  

16. (require 'cocoa-application)  


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