[Openmcl-devel] Garbage collector - ccl:terminate (memory stuff)

Tim Bradshaw tfb at tfeb.org
Mon May 20 14:31:19 PDT 2024

On 20 May 2024, at 21:36, Ron Garret <ron at flownet.com> wrote:
> What kind of computer do you have that lets you install RAM without rebooting???

Well, it depends on what you mean by 'rebooting'.  Obviously this is core memory, so it's a matter of arranging a suitable context switch, in the middle of which power is removed.  New memory is added, and the appropriate parameters adjusted using powerful magnets, following which power is restored.

We will shortly have to bring our third fission plant online to support the system.

> My own implementation has a paper factory at each end of an ever-growing spool of tape, but your idea sounds better.  It's getting harder and harder to find trees around here.

Yours sounds perhaps slower (how fast are your punches?  I understand that people have been doing work on paper-based systems which are comfortably supersonic) but less liable to meltdowns...


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