[Openmcl-devel] trunk

Joakim Sandgren joakim at joakimsandgren.com
Wed May 27 01:22:51 PDT 2009

I have a strange error .
I cant update ccl.
In the terminal I put :
svn co http://svn.clozure.com/publicsvn/openmcl/trunk/darwinx86/ccl

this works fine, and after downloading it says :

Checked out revision 12135.

then I launch the dx86cl unix file (the 64bits give the same result)  
and then in the terminal I have :

Welcome to Clozure Common Lisp Version 1.3-dev-r11866M-trunk   
(DarwinX8632)!  (!!)

and then I (rebuild-ccl :full t) i (quit)
then (require 'cocoa-application)

but i'm still stuck in the r11866-trunk!

How Come?

What am I missing again ?!


Joakim Sandgren
joakim sandgren musik
42, rue de Maubeuge
75009 Paris
+33 (0)1 45 26 43 90
info at joakimsandgren.com

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