[Openmcl-devel] CCL thinks buffer exist...

Gail Zacharias gz at clozure.com
Mon Sep 7 07:43:55 PDT 2009

I've seen this happen as well, but I haven't been able to figure out 
how to reproduce it.  I assume the problem happened at some point 
before the error, where a listener was somehow incompletely created 
(or perhaps incompletely killed?), and now different parts of the 
system have different views on whether it exists or not.  Once it 
happens it will keep happening in that image.  It would probably be 
possible to patch around the symptom, but it would be nice to figure 
out what the actual bug is.  Any idea what you did _before_ it first happened?

At 9/7/2009 02:17 AM, Rainer Joswig wrote:
>Any idea what is going on?
>Clozure Common Lisp Version 1.4-dev-r12679M-trunk
>Error creating a new listener:
>  > Error: Cannot rename buffer #<Hemlock Buffer "Untitled 8"> to
>"Listener-2".  Name already in use.
>  > While executing: (:INTERNAL GUI::|-[HemlockListenerDocument
>init]|), in process Initial(0).
>  > Type :POP to abort, :R for a list of available restarts.
>  > Type :? for other options.
>1 > :pop
>command-n, creating a new editor window
>  > Error: "Untitled 8" already exists
>  > While executing: (:INTERNAL GUI::|-[HemlockEditorDocument init]|),
>in process Initial(0).
>  > Type :GO to continue, :POP to abort, :R for a list of available
>  > If continued: Try to delete
>  > Type :? for other options.
>1 > :b
>   (442A80) : 0 (FUNCALL #'#<(:INTERNAL GUI::|-[HemlockEditorDocument
>init]|)> #<SIMPLE-ERROR #x300056AE89BD>) 141
>   (442AA8) : 1 (SIGNAL #<SIMPLE-ERROR #x300056AE89BD>) 973
>   (442B00) : 2 (%ERROR #<SIMPLE-ERROR #x300056AE89BD> NIL 558456) 117
>   (442B28) : 3 (CERROR "Try to delete" "~s already exists" "Untitled
>8") 869
>   (442BC0) : 4 (MAKE-BUFFER "Untitled 8" :MODES ("Lisp"
>"Editor") :MODELINE-FIELDS (#<Hemlock Modeline-field :MODIFIEDP>
>#<Hemlock Modeline-field :EXTERNAL-FORMAT> #<Hemlock Modeline-
>field :PACKAGE> #<Hemlock Modeline-field :MODES>) :DELETE-HOOK NIL) 269
>   (442C20) : 5 (MAKE-HEMLOCK-BUFFER "Untitled 8" :MODES ("Lisp"
>"Editor")) 117
>   (442C48) : 6 (FUNCALL #'#<GUI::|-[HemlockEditorDocument init]|>
>17591849975350) 893
>   (442CB0) : 7 (%PASCAL-FUNCTIONS% 111 17591849975350) 365
>   (442D70) : 8 (FUNCALL #'#<Anonymous Function #x30004141232F> #<A
>Foreign Pointer [stack-allocated] (:* #) #x7FFF5FBFF840> #<A Foreign
>Pointer #x7FFF88841B18> #<NS-EVENT NSEvent: type=KeyDown loc=(0,1382)
>time=686779.0 flags=0x100108 win=0x0 winNum=2452 ctxt=0x0 chars="n"
>unmodchars="n" repeat=0 keyCode=45 (#x15475D80)>) 365
><LispApplication: 0x12e1c0> (#x12E1C0)> #<OBJC:OBJC-CLASS GUI::LISP-
>APPLICATION (#x116BA0)> #<A Foreign Pointer #x7FFF88841B18>
>(:VOID :ID) #<NS-EVENT NSEvent: type=KeyDown loc=(0,1382)
>time=686779.0 flags=0x100108 win=0x0 winNum=2452 ctxt=0x0 chars="n"
>unmodchars="n" repeat=0 keyCode=45 (#x15475D80)>) 773
>   (442DF8) : 10 (FUNCALL #'#<GUI::|-[LispApplication sendEvent:]|>
>17591849975602) 965
>   (442E68) : 11 (%PASCAL-FUNCTIONS% 15 17591849975602) 365
>   (442F28) : 12 (FUNCALL #'#<Anonymous Function #x30004136DE4F> #<LISP-
>APPLICATION <LispApplication: 0x12e1c0> (#x12E1C0)> #S(CCL::OBJC-
>SELECTOR :NAME "run" :%SEL #<A Foreign Pointer #x7FFF88841AF4>)) 173
>APPLICATION <LispApplication: 0x12e1c0> (#x12E1C0)>) 485
>   (442F88) : 14 (EVENT-LOOP NIL) 989
>1 >
>Rainer Joswig, Hamburg, Germany
>mailto:joswig at lisp.de
>Openmcl-devel mailing list
>Openmcl-devel at clozure.com

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