[Openmcl-devel] sockets

R. Matthew Emerson rme at clozure.com
Wed Jul 17 11:33:39 PDT 2024

> On Jul 17, 2024, at 6:25 AM, David Cooper <david.cooper at genworks.com> wrote:
> Sorry for being a johnny-come-lately here but Could you send a quick refresher about how to get your current development trunk and/or branches built locally so we can test? 

Sure.  See the notes at https://github.com/Clozure/ccl/releases/latest

I also recently made an asciicast of the installation process: https://asciinema.org/a/667672

I’ll just include the steps here, too.

# get source code
git clone https://github.com/Clozure/ccl.git ccl

# get bootstrapping binaries...
# ...for FreeBSD:
curl -L -O https://github.com/Clozure/ccl/releases/latest/download/freebsdx86.tar.gz

# ...or for Linux:
curl -L -O https://github.com/Clozure/ccl/releases/latest/download/linuxx86.tar.gz

# ...or for the Mac
curl -L -O https://github.com/Clozure/ccl/releases/latest/download/darwinx86.tar.gz

# extract bootstrapping binaries
cd ccl
tar xf ../darwinx86.tar.gz # or linuxx86.tar.gz, or freebsdx86.tar.gz

# rebuild
./dx86cl64 -n -e '(rebuild-ccl :full t)' -e '(quit)’. # or lx86cl64 for Linux, or fx86cl64 for FreeBSD

> Especially I was having some ipv6 issues with 1.12 last year, and temporarily disabled ipv6 for my CCL Gendl builds - i'd like to find time to revisit those issues with the latest development version. 

If you get the chance to test it out again, please report bugs if you can.

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